Railway infrastructure company
BLG RailTec operates a railway infrastructure at its Falkenberg location. Comprehensive investments in infrastructure and signalling technology have created the necessary track capacity to be able to guarantee shunting logistics for the high-quality goods in a monitored working environment at all times.
Railway infrastructure Connection
to the Falkenberg junctioTrain formation/bundling
of single wagons and wagen groupsTrain dispatch
at the Falkenberg locationTrained security personnel
and continious video surveilliance25 km track lenght
at the upper station FalkenbergDirect connection to main line Signalling
BLG RailTec opertates its own signalling tower
- 25 km track length at the upper station Falkenberg
- 71 points
- Self-operated electromechanical signalling system
- Railway junction with international connections to and from Poland and the Czech Republic